The history of the Internet

Motiongraphics Documentary


Short Description

“History of the internet” is an animated documentary explaining the inventions fromtime-sharing to file-sharing, from arpanet to internet.
The clip shows a brief overview of this history and shall animate to go on discovering the history of the internet. The history is told with help of the PICOL icons, which are also a part of my diploma. The icons are available for free on The “History of the Internet” is about to break the mark of 3.5 million views on YouTube.
See the whole diploma >>


Director, Animator, Design & Script – Melih Bilgil
Voice over – Steve Taylor
Music – Telekaster
Translation – Karla Vesenmayer
Scientific Managment – Prof. Philipp Pape
University – University of Applied Sciences Mainz
Thanks to – Barbara Bittmann, Johannes Schatz

Some articles on this clip



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